30,000 members in 66 countries working together to improve the lives of women and girls.
Our Mission
Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals
empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy.
Our Vision
Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human
rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential.
In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in
decision-making positions on an equal basis with men.
In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.
Our Impact
With nearly 30,000 members belonging to almost 1,200 clubs in
66 countries, Zontians volunteer their time, talents, and support
to local and international service projects focusing on achieving
gender equality and empowering all women and girls.
Zonta focuses our advocacy efforts on the prevention of all forms
of violence—including domestic violence, human trafficking and
harmful practices—women’s health, equal access to all resources,
pay equity, Women’s Empowerment Principles, and more.
Education provides tools and resources to empower women and
girls to make decisions about their lives and the future of their
families. Additionally, Zonta clubs sponsor Z clubs for high school
students and Golden Z clubs for college or university students to
develop leadership skills, promote career exploration, and more.
Zonta and its clubs are united by ethical standards to fulfill our
objectives to improve women’s status, promote justice and
respect for human rights, and to be united internationally. Zonta,
its districts, and its clubs shall be nonpartisan and nonsectarian.
For more info about Zonta International: https://www.zonta.org/
Zonta International’s Causes:
Advocating for Gender Equality
We advocate for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in all aspects of life.
Ending Gender-Based Violence
We raise awareness of the global pandemic of women’s rights violations and unite our members worldwide to fight violence against women and girls.
Ending Child Marriage
We work with partners to prevent child marriage in some of the highest prevalence countries while our Zonta clubs and members advocate for an end to this human rights violation in their own countries.
Expanding Access to Education
We support women’s education through our own scholarships, fellowships and awards and through our international service projects, which very often include education of women and girls as key strategies.